No one will know it was you
if I write the other stories from that time
the one about me you remember, with the song
that makes you think of it again
No one will know it was you
who asked me to rub your back like your mother used to
who told me I had a beautiful body
who left your driver’s license behind
No one will know
you passed out, oh wait, there were two of you
but only one whose ex still had a key
tho that also happened to me but in my defense, dementia
No one will know it was you
who can’t find yourself in this poem, even though
who suggested I should have better muscle tone
who held so still I stopped and we never spoke of it again
No one will know it was you
who was in my arms when I whispered not your name
who held me down
who was my mother’s favorite
who told the therapist we stopped because the last time I smelled bad
No one will know it was you
who knows
that funny story about the condom
what FedEx brought
where I left my glasses
what the sunrise looks like from there.