Skip the pole dance, maybe, lurk outside the fire ring
Still here tho cuz nobody doesn’t love spring.
All the pretty little flowers, amiright?
Ditch the long underwear, open windows at night
The storms, yeah, but… it’s the price you pay.
You gotta love seeds and damp soil.
Flowers and fruit,
puppy’s first lizard.
The patio abuzz.
And grapple with the cosmic cost of drowning ants to feed hummingbirds.
The thinning and pruning… who gets to nest. Dominion.
Thorns and brambles camouflage broken fence. It all grows so fast.
Anything can hide in the tall grass.
Winter with its soups, reduced obligations, covered head
Left you soft and cold, too many books still unread.
Last year’s rewards are long gone, and this year’s are weeks, months away.
When good work gets you more work, racing breathless against the last nice day.
To love spring is to plant without fearing the harvest.